Sunday, October 3, 2010

We went to Brussels Belgium on Saturday to try to do some scuba diving, see the Waterloo Battlefield, and last of all check out the Atomium.

Our first plan did not go so well; my co worker Steve Oplatek and I were looking forward to scuba diving in the indoor dive pool known as Nemo 33 ( but we both forgot our Padi cards and could not get in to dive.  Oh well that is the way it goes, we came here to work not dive, so its no surprise we forgot the cards.  The good news is we now know where the place is and what to bring and not bring the next time we're out here.

After accepting defeat at Nemo 33 we went to the Waterloo Battlefield where Napoleon was defeated for the last time against the allied army.  It was this battle that marked a turning point in the history of Europe and a new era of peace for Europe.  Below is a picture of the five of us before we hiked up the Lion Mound which was a monument built in memory of the soldiers who lost their lives in the battle.

Here is the view from the top with Debbie climbing the stairs.

Here is Ethan on top of the Lion Mound.

Here is Leah on top of the Lion Mound.

We also found this really cool map of the battlefield on top of the mound.  You could get a very good perspective of the battlefield from up on top of the mound.  Overall this was a very cool place to visit; I am glad I didn't have to live during this period of history.

Someone from work recommended that I visit a place called the Atomium.  Which is a very unusual building that was built in Brussels for the 1958 World Fair.  We got to go inside and all the way up to the top of the building.  Even better I got a nice souvenir shirt!

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